Background: Murr was established in spring 2008, in Sudavik, a small fishing village on the far northwest coast of Iceland. The idea for Murr dates back to 2003.
Just as Iceland is known for it’s pure nature, geothermal energy, great rivers and waterfalls, Murr exemplifies a truly sustainable Icelandic company.
Objective/Role: The project was to create sign displays (retractable banners, multi-panel exhibits, and table toppers) for the U.S.'s biggest pet food trade show. The objective was to exemplify that Murr foods is an Icelandic product, created and produced in Iceland and imported from Iceland. The biggest complaint from pet store owners in the past was that this fact was not emphasized enough. With my own illustrations of the logo, viking hat, and images from Iceland that showcase the Icelandic culture, there is no mistake that Murr is a pure product from Iceland.
Creative/Art Direction: I Jian Lin of Brand Intent
Branding, Logo, Graphic Design: Sue Tran